At CUTE KITCHEN LTD your privacy is important to us. We are committed to protecting your privacy when managing your personal information. We have policies and procedures to ensure that all personal information is handled carefully and securely in accordance with the Kenya Personal Data Protection Act.
The types of information that we collect from you will depend on the circumstances of collection and on the service that we are providing to you.
The Personal information type of personal information collected will be directly related to the specified purpose it has been collected for. How much of your personal information that you choose to disclose to us is completely up to you. The only way we know something about you personally is if you provide it to us. However, failure to provide certain information may result in us being unable to provide you with the relevant product or service. We will make you aware of the purpose for which we collect the personal information and, where possible, the consequences of not providing it at the time of collection.
Sensitive Information
We do not generally collect sensitive information as defined under the Privacy Act, such as racial or ethnicity information, political opinions or associations, criminal records or health information. However, subject to obtaining your prior consent, we may collect sensitive information from you in the course of considering an application for employment.
Unsolicited Information
Where unsolicited information is received by us(such as through our Facebook page) we will determine, within a reasonable period of time, whether or not we would be permitted to collect under KPDP Act. If it would not be permitted for us to collect the information, we will destroy the information or ensure it is de-identified as soon as practicable. Otherwise, we may retain the information in accordance with the terms of this policy.
Unsolicited Information
We may also collect information about visitors to our website(s). For example, we may collect:
Personal information will only be collected through lawful and fair means and not in an unreasonably intrusive way.
We collect your personal information when you deal with us directly, including via our website or our Facebook page, via forms or correspondence (i.e by mail or email), over the phone or in person.
We may also collect information through our related bodies corporate and our third party service providers ( such as data relating to survey responses) so that we may provide a better or more relevant product to you.
address. We will use the information you have chosen to provide us for the purpose for which you provided it or a related secondary purpose which you would reasonably expect. We will not use it for any other purpose without your consent, unless permitted or required by Law.
Generally, we will use your personal information for the following purposes:
1. Providing the products and/or services you have requested from us including for example:
– To process sales transactions (whether in store or online);
– To deliver the products or services to you;<.li>
– To register you for a service requested by you, such as our newsletter(s) and e-newsletters, mail outs, rewards program(s) or competitions and administering such services;
– To manage warranty claims;
– To process refunds; and
– To respond to any inquiries, feedback or complaints made by you; and
2. Direct marketing of products and services which we believe may interest you, including product updates and developments, special events or promotions;
3. Assisting us to improve our products and services and making them more relevant to you;
4. Assisting us to improve our website(s) or Facebook page;.
5. Processing and assessing employment applications for current and future positions;
6. Otherwise managing our internal business operations and processes.
We may disclose your personal information to:
1. Contractors and third party service providers on a confidential basis that we use in the ordinary course of our business to assist with the delivery of our products or services. This includes organizations such as marketing agencies, data processing companies, printing and mailing houses, delivery companies, data storage companies (which may use cloud computing storage systems which have the potential to make your personal information accessible by overseas entities) or finance agencies or debt collection agencies.
2. Other members of our corporate group for marketing purposes (subject to obtaining your prior consent);
3. Government authorities or other third parties as required by law; or
4. Any other purpose that you have consented to.
Under no circumstances will we sell or receive payment for licensing or disclosing your personal information
We review and update our security measures in light of current technologies. You should however be aware that the internet is not a secure environment and information sent via the internet (including email) cannot be guaranteed to be totally secure.
3. Talk to our Privacy Officer about our Privacy Policy